Zap This Book

Zap This Book

zap this book kindle version

I've been writing this blog as a nym for about a year. I like to wear a mask because my real life job is in an area wear most people get most of their information from MSNBC. To most of my co-workers, bitcoin is boiling the oceans, making people sick, and using more energy than the entire shithole country of whatever. Why would I want to use a cryptocurrency that destoys the planet when it only does 7 transactions per second? To them, bitcoin is evil because a noble prize winning economists said so. It is also useless, but used by criminals.

I got tired of hearing about quantum computing and other ridiculous arguments so I began writing about how I use bitcoin over the lightning network everyday. I followed K3tan's guide and set up a blog on a virtual private network. Then I used Yunohost on a raspberry pi until I learned about blogstack. Suddenly, I could host a blog without paying a monthly fee or becoming a Linux Systems Administrator.

I have also started coming out of my shell. I started a meetup and began meeting other hard-core bitcoiners and teaching Coinbasers how to take self-custody, why video games on a blockchain are scams, and how bitcoin can be used as a medium of exchange.