Use Bitcoin To Protest Inflation

Use Bitcoin To Protest Inflation

I bought a motorcycle helmet for someone on my Christmas list this year. They sold crotch rockets, not hogs, and the store smelled like freedom not bacon. This store doesn't take Bitcoin, but they placed the following sign through out the store.

!price incrases

I asked the lady at the counter if I could please take a picture of it. She said "Sure, but why?"

"I write this blog about bitcoin. Don't worry I won't say anything bad about the shop. Quite the opposite."

Then I went looking at more motorcycle helmets. A young woman asked if she could help. She also aid, " I just got into trading crypto. What's the name of your blog. I gave her the URL to my website

"It's on nostr, a new communications protocol on the Internet. You can also find the Bitcoin meetup group on"

Then I thought about why I first started this blog. I want to show the world Bitcoin is not just some information on an exchange you use to capture more printer go brrrrrr bucks. It was designed as an alternative to banks bailed out after the Great Financial Crisis. Bitcoin is a parallel financial system. Bitcoin is not Wall Street. Bitcoin is a protest like Occupy Wall Street-- Exit Wallstreet. Code is speech. Bitcoin is code written in C++ but Congress will authorize dumb-ass bureaucrats to abridge our speech. They want us to petition the government to redress our grievances.

![genesis block](

I want to 🍊 Pill the world, starting with my home town. So I started a local newsletter. The goal is to show how easy it is to accept bitcoin in your store. You don't need to HODL, but you will save credit card fees and get free ad space on my newsletter.

They Are Fighting Us


It's a little un-nerving to me. I prefer to be anonymous. I don't want to be "an activist." Bitcoin has been my nerdy hobby for almost ten years . My family still makes fun of me. They they still think bitcoin "crashed." They talk about inflation. It's on the news. They talk about supply chains, corporate greed and striking unions, unaffordable housing, and bank runs.

I write about achieving freedom though the use of cryptography in a world increasingly becoming more hostile to the branch of mathematics I fell in love with. The bitcoin white paper is illegal in the United Kingdom. The country also declared end-to-end encryption illegal.

Similar laws are being proposed in the so-called land of the free. I am not given permission to play poker online by the State of California. a state where Brick and Mortar poker is legal. The law pissed me off in 2011, but to be honest, unregulated trusted third party casinos were a problem. Full Tilt Poker was a Ponzi Scheme. Bitcoin allows me to play poker online like I would at a brick and mortar casino. My sats remain in my wallet, under my control. To buy in to a game at, I put 10,000 sats at risk.

I might lose those sats because it's gambling. Gambling has the risk of loss like the stock market or the spending power in your Wells Fargo savings account. I can also win, and cash out into my own wallet. No trusted third party is needed. This means it can't be used to launder money. Sending sats to one wallet to another is no different than sending sats to a wallet on an online poker room. It's peer-to-peer electronic cash.

Does it matter where the person lives if they want to play poker? I have no idea who the person I am playing is or where he lives. He could be a 40 year old man in Beverly Hills or a Hamas suicide bomber handcuffed to an American child in Gaza. I don't agree with the Hamas Suicide Bomber's decision to play poker while handcuffed to an American child. I support the government's right to intervene and stop the Hamas suicide bombing poker player from taking innocent lives, but that has nothing to do with me playing poker with this idiot.

Maybe that's a far-fetched example, but what if I play poker with Edward Snowden? I like Edward Snowden. I follow him on nostr. I consider him a hero, but my government has exiled him to Russia and levied sanctions on Russia. What if I played poker with Snowden and lost 10,000 sats? It's about $4.20 worth of USD these days. Is that illegal? How would I even know it's him? The government confiscated the proceeds from his book sales. What if I sent him 1,000 sats on nostr? That's about 42 cents these days. Is that illegal?

Bitcoin Is Civil Disobedience


Voting does not work. The public is captured by the corporate controlled media. It's almost as if the United States is distracted by the culture war so they don't notice [Social Security is expected to die in 2035]( Security is expected to die in 2035.

Bitcoin is not a vote for a corrupt politician. Bitcoin is not the lesser of two evils. Bitcoin is good, sound money. Bitcoin is freedom. Bitcoin does not have bank runs. Bitcoin does not have inflation. Bitcoin is civil disobedience, a middle finger raised to the powers that be. I don't care about who uses what bathroom and I don't give a fuck about the federal reserve. It's not like voting changes who is in charge of the federal reserve anyway. Bitcoin is crypto anarchy. It doesn't mean I can use bitcoin to light Molotav cocktails and riot in the streets. It means I don't need to riot in the streets to achieve my objectives. If I don't like how the policy of the federal reserve affects my long-term savings, I don't use federal reserve bucks for my long term savings. I

Blogging Bitcoin


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Pretty sure Andreas Antonoplis coined this phrase, Exit Wallstreet.