Then They Fight You

Then They Fight You

Those of fiat royalty want to smash their boots in our faces. Janet Yellen and her royal entourage made some announcement last week. They fined Binance billions of boomer bucks and threatened to sue Bitcoin Magazine for making fun of FedCoin. The Communist Canadian Government forced UTXO to shut down the laptop he used to run The US **Treasury department wants everyone running a node to have a **money transmitter licenceThey say these draconian laws are designed to keep Hamas from buying oranges or whatever they buy with money. Nevermind the fact that a nurse on TikTok complains about being broke while the price of bitcoin has doubled within a year. We also had the biggest bank failures this year. Must be a coincidence.


We are in what Andreas Antonopolis calls the "then they fight you" stage. The concept comes from the five stages of grief. Say someone goes to the doctor and receives some very bad news. The Dr. says she has 6 months left to live. Very bad news indeed. Humans react to this news in [five stages]

  • Denial

  • Anger (This is the then they fight you stage.

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance

On January 3rd, 2009, banks and the governments they control got this bad news. Bitcoin eliminates the need for our Royal, unelected Central Banks. Bitcoin is a terminal illness for them. For a long time, they ignored it. It could never work. Who the hell would wait 10 minutes to buy a cup of coffee? Then people started buying illegal herbs, fungus and flowers on the Silk Road. They thought they they killed bitcoin because they were able to shut it down. Denial. They have been in this denial for almost a decade. Bitcoin was declared dead 1771 times since then.

My favorite death certificate was issued after the regulated exchange FTX blew up, some economist went on JRE to declare it dead for good.

$ 16,000 was supposed to go to zero. Now 1000 sats is about 38¢, which means 100,000,000 sats is about $38,000 if you care about that sortnof thing.

Picture of powel boxing gloves

What really died is the first stage of grief and they, the central bank royalty, are pissed. So they said bitcoin is used by terrorists to buy heroin porn, imaginary weapons of mass destruction, nerf guns, or whatever the fuck terrorists buy with money these days. These heroin porn purchaces must be stopped with regulation.

Nevermind that you've been sellin' your soul, workin' all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay. Focus on how terrorists can buy heroin porn with bitcoin so you don't lament the fact that law-abiding fiat maxis will never be able to afford a mortgage anymore. In my state, the median price of a home is $799,000. A first time buyer with a 3.5% down payment would have a monthly mortgage payment of **$5,603.92. **

That's not income, that's only the mortgage payment. You still need to buy essentials like groceries, electricity, gas, and weed. My wife is a principal at a school and would not qualify for a mortgage based on her income alone, not even for our house that is worth much less than the median price home under current market conditions.

The same people that has stopped all but the very rich from buying a home now wants to stop everyone from buying or using bitcoin without a regulated exchange like FTX. The regulations did nothing to stop "CrYpTo investors" from getting wrecked, but here they are fighting unregulated exchanges.

They can stop a few people with computers for sure, but can they stop 10,000 people with computers all over the world? The fines don't stop Binance like the fines don't stop money laundering banks. Shutting down one laptop does not erase the code he wrote. It's still out there. If they shut down GitHub we can put it on BitTorrent and Nostr.

The government thinks they are at war with unlicenced money transmitors like Spaceboi thinks bitcoin is a weapon. They have not yet learned bitcoin is not a weapon. Bitcoin is code and code is speech.

We lost our 4th amendment protections after 9/11. We still take off our shoes at airports because one idiot tried to make a shoe bomb. Now our government wants to eliminate or 1st amendment protections and turn us into a totalatarian nightmare like China or Canada. Bitcoin is not a weapon. Bitcoin is a protest. I stack sats as an alternative to redressing the government of my grievences like the fact that most college graduates won't be able to buy anything but chattel real with our broken money.

The new world war is financial and the American royalty does not want you to flee. If you haven't seen it, watch Andreas's talk on YouTube. I know he's not a bitcoin maxi, but his words still resonate today. Despite this doomer style post, I am optomistic because we can opt out of the dystopian novel that is unfolding. We can choose bitcoin. Yeah, it's volotile. They say it wastes water, boils the oceans and is uselesss because we already have digital money.



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