Stacking Sats on Substack

Stacking Sats on Substack

Stacking Sats on Substack

I’ve been writing this blog for almost two years now. I fell down the nostr rabbit hole shortly after and began focusing much of my time and energy learning about all these cool new things we can do with this new protocol. I’ve also been trying to figure out how to use Asyncio and AstroBlog to cross post blogs on Astro Blog to I have a friend who is trying to help me, but the nostr has changed so much, it’s hard to keep up with it all. The advantage of this would be that it’s easier to optimize SEO, I think. I’m not really well versed in the keyword universe and all that.

I also talked to the developer of the Orange Pill App and asked him if he could integrate nostr more into the app. He told me to look at the stats. He doesn’t think there’s enough people to make it economically viable. I wanted to argue with him, but I ran the numbers. He’s not wrong. It felt like a slap to the face, but I needed that so I would like to thank him.

I asked myself, “Blog, how the hell do you expect anyone to read your blog when you are only visible to such a small subset of a small online community?” This is a problem, but problems are an opportunity. I also heard Whitney Web talk about how email lists are good to have because they are censorship resistant. That way if your twitter account get’s banned, you don’t lose your audience. So I decided to start posting my blog on Substack again, because Whitney makes a great point that I never thought about before. Here I am spending all this time posting NIP26, kind 30023 long-form posts on nostr, but I’m not using email.

Stacking on Substack

button format

So I decided to use Substack again because it has a built in email subscribe button. They also have a fiat subscription service which means they market to people who are willing to pay for writers words. So I decided to sign up, give them my bank account information, fingerprints, and social security number. Just kidding. I’m using the service to transmit my blog over simple mail transfer protocol again,. I still have some kinks to work out, but here are some of my ideas.

I also can create custom buttons on Substack. I will use this to grow nostr and add links to zaps, BTCpayServer and nostr store. You can do the same by following the example in the photo above.

The buttons look like this to the reader


To see how they work, hit the subscibe button and you'll get the email sent to your inbox

My Substack Plan

Post a blog on nostr twice a week. Cross Post it to substack. I am also open to suggestions. I would prefer a platform that allows me to use markdown and an API, but I need to do more research.

On Substack:

Include a zapping link

Include a shopping link

Include a link asking people to highlight their favorite part of the blog

Include A link to What I call Value 4 Value Ads. These are not paid ads, but word of mouth ads designed to promote the bitcoin circular economy.

On Nostr:

Include a [Subscribe Link] on the nostr blog.

Let me know what youu think of the format and if you have any suggestions. This is a new frontier. It changes all the time and I’m learning as I go along.



US Debt Clock

Support by zapping, sharing, shopping, and subscribe on substck.