Is It A Payment Terminal Or A Sign?

Is It A Payment Terminal Or A Sign?

Is It A Payment Terminal Or A Sign?

Fiat is my only shitcoin. I am a shitcoin minimalist. The problem is, most people don’t want bitcoin. Most corporations are fiat maxis. Most business owners are fiat maxis. To be honest, most bitcoiners care more about the fiat price than running a node. Most bitcoiners also feel as if they don’t have enough, myself included. The problem with using bitcoin as a medium of exchange is the coincidence of wants. Bitcoiners don’t want to spend bitcoin. Shops want fiat. There is no coincidence of wants. The corporations don’t want to mess around with converting their payment terminals into a bitcoin accepting machine.

  • They don’t want to spend time training employees how to use bitcoin.
  • They Think it’s bad for the environment unless you mine bitcoin with Tesla batteries or something.
  • It’s too slow.
  • There are only 7 transactions per second…

They’re wrong, but the suits are still stuck with 2015 arguments.

I still believe we can use the lightning network to pay for coffee. This can be done very easily. I will not need every business around me to accept bitcoin. I don’t need them to HODL. I just need about ten places near me, where I can spend my bitcoin.

Strike Tried To Fix This

A couple years ago, Jack Mallers told Matt Odell we would soon be buying groceries at WholeFoods and cheeseburgers at Wendy’s. He built it like the Field of Dreams, but they didn’t come. It could totally work, but they just don’t get it and like Satoshi said, “If you don’t get it or don’t believe me, I’m sorry, I don’t have time to convince you.”

Maybe we can't buy overpriced groceries at Whole Foods yet, but it is possible to add Strike to some payment terminals like Clover. How would that work though? “Hi. I’ve listened to more bitcoin podcasts than anybody you know. May I please hack your Clover machine so I pay you in bitcoin?”

It's not going to work.

I know the government collects a sales tax( A.K.A. capital gains). According to the chapwood index, inflation is not much less than this sales tax where I live. It was even higher than 15% for a while. The point is, I want to spend bitcoin. Fewer businesses accept bitcoin than American Express. There is no coincidence of wants and most business owners don’t want me hacking their point of sale machines.


Bitcoin is awesome, but few understand this. Most people don’t want to put in the 100 hours to learn about bitcoin. It’s a sign of the times. Speaking of signs, most businesses understand them. Here are businesses that sell signs to no-coiners. People like signs. I read that most people choose fast food restaurants by signs in Fast Food Nation. Signs are an old idea. We see then on the road and at brick and mortar businesses.

Apps are also ubiquitous. It occurred to me that I can pay a shopkeeper by using a lightning address they obtain from Strike. I can also pay them with their Strike Tipping page at For example, you can send the personwith the username Odell sats on strike at I haven't verified this username belongs to the person behind npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gx. Regardless, the business owner receives the sats right away, but he or she can choose to accept incoming payments in bitcoin or fiat. Of course, I think they should keep the sats and put them into self-custody, but I don’t have time to convince anybody.

Here is an example of how this sign works.

My goal is to find 10 local small business that will allow me to pay for coffee, groceries, or hamburgers using bitcoin. I'm not trying to orange pill Starbucks. I want other people to do this too.

Here's the plan.

  1. Onboard a local business onto Strike. Show them how to use it. Don't try to convince them. Let them accept dollars or bitcoin. If they choose dollars and bitcoin does what we think it will, we won't need to convince them.

  2. Make them a sign, or buy one from and I will make you one. I'll just need the Strike Username.

  3. Pay with bitcoin. If you prefer to pay with fiat, for tax purposes, or because you don't hace enough bitcoin, use the Strike app yourself. You can also keep fiat on the Stike app while using the ligntning network as a payment rail. It will turn your dirty fiat into bitcoin and give the business owner the form of payment they prefer.

  4. Bring them business. Bring a meetup to the business. Put them on Let all the bitcoiners you know they accept bitcoin. If accepting bitcoin does not bring the business more customers, they will not have an incentive to adopt the bitcoin standard.

₿logging ₿itcoin