Get Sats With Nostr

Get Sats With Nostr

Get Sats With Nostr

This is not another orange pill, there are no more orange pill books to be written. Like Satoshi said, "If you don't believe me or don't get it, I'm sorry, bur I don't have time to convince you." This is a guide designed to teach you how to use bitcoin as peer to peer electronic cash and store your wealth for seven generations.

This is not about reading charts or looking for dildos that would make a great pattern for an ugly Christmas sweater. I offer no price predictions because in 150 years, your great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren will read about the fractional reserve fiat ponzi scheme in history books written by large language models. Meanwhile, fiat is an endangered species.

The purpose of this guide is not to teach you how to make a million fiat bucks with bitcoin. The purpose is to teach you how to use bitcoin in case a million fiat bucks doesn't buy more than a bag of groceries. It is not financial advice. It's a drill. In the first chapter, I showed you the secret message Satoshi left in the genesis block, "Chancellor on the brink of second bailout for banks." In the second chapter, I wrote about why the Cypherpunks wanted private, electronic cash in the first place.

Covid taught us the collective tend towards authoritarianism during times of crisis(perceived or otherwise). If there is a crisis, expect the fiat price of bitcoin to crash hard, but resist buying fiat with your bitcoin. Buy gift cards for groceries with your bitcoin instead. Even the hodliest of hodlers needs to eat.

The Social Bitcoin Payment Layer

Nostr has become the de-facto, social bitcoin payment layer. Most people still think of it as a boring alternative to addictive social media like Twitter, but it is much more than this. This guide is published on a website that allows anyone with an npub to publish long-form content. People can send me sats for this content and I can send sats to content creators and developers.

Nostr has a marketplace similar to what you might find on Zuck's face tracking book. It has YouTube like video and twitter spaces like audio. To use these tools, you will first need to create a public/private key pair. Your public key, npub, can be shared with anyone. Your private key, nsec, must remain a secret. If your nsec is compromised, your identity is compromised and we can no longer trust your notes are from you. That would suck, but it's good practice for storing bitcoin keys. If your identity gets compromised, you could spin up a new one. If you lose the keys to your life savings, it won't be so easy to get it back.

Current, A KYC Free Custodial Bitcoin Social Wallet

Current Tutorial

  1. Nostr is a decentralized communications protocol that stands for notes and other stuff transmitted by relay
  • Available on Google Play and The App Store.
  • Available in the jurisdiction with the most draconian anti-privacy laws.
  • Uses a 12 word backup
  • Gives you a nostr key pair.that can be used with all nostr services.
  • A way to get a free custodial lightning address.

Keep in mind that this is a custodial wallet so not your keys not your bitcoin applies. This is a beginner wallet that allows anyone on the nostr network to send you sats, but you don't want to use this for your life savings. The wallet also has cutting edge features like Data Vending Machines that allow you to pay for AI generated images and chats. You can even use AI to turn text to voice, but we will not cover these advanced features

  1. Download the App at
  2. Current has an excellent Guide here

Video Tutorial