Fix The Money Fix The Music

Fix The Money, Fix The Music
Bitcoin is not my first rodeo with peer -to-peer technology. In college, I was a big Napster nerd which makes me old enough to remember downloading Metalica songs over the telephone line. Each song took about 34 minutes to download until we got high speed Internet a few year later. Suddenly, the music industry lost it's walled garden. Lars, the drummer for Metallica, was pissed because anyone with an Internet connection could just download their music via file sharing. The record labels were scared so they used the long arm of the law to sue kids downloading stuff on their computers. They did not understand that information wants to be free.
Napster was shut down, but the cypherpunks created BitTorrent in reaction to this news. BitTorrrent downloads pieces of each song using distributed hash tables and other nerdy cryptographic stuff. At one point, Bittorrent accounted for about 35% of Internet traffic This made the record companies change tactics and introduce streaming services, also known as subscription hell. These services require the listener to pay a monthly fee to stream any music they want. Nowadays, it's easier to just pay the $16.00 a month or whatever the music service ransomware fee is these days, to listen to any song you want.
The trouble is, the lion's share of the money goes to the suits, while the artists get pennies, if anything. This gives power, and most of the money to corporations, while simultaneously screwing the artists. There are other alternatives like Tidal who promise to give more of the money to the musicians. but nostr now gives us another way to support our favorite musicians with something called value for value...Ugh..I'm not sure what the hell this is called--But it's freaking awesome! It allows us to pay musicians in interesting ways without going through a recording Industry institution
For example, while listening to The Bitcoin And Podcast, Nunya Bidness said the following(transcript from fountain):
This is not the first ime Nunya Bidness has done this, but this was the first time I heard him play an artist I've seen on nostr. Come to think of it, I've also seen her on BlueSky and I know she held some zapstream concert a while back. The combination of these things made something in my brain click so I boosted this part of the show. Then I went on Twitter to ask Ansley if she got the zap. She happened to be on some Twitter Spaces or something, but was kind enough to reply back to me.
Nostr Gives Power Back To The People
To recap, I was dong chores while listening to The Bitcon And Podcast. The host of the show, Nunya Bidness told us about Wavlake's new nostr alternative to TicketSlaveMaster(
"The potential here is great. Imagine an artist having the ability to sell tickets to preferred individuals at scale, using prior engagement as a way to filter out the true fans from the resellers. Tickets could be verifiable using cryptography. Once sales open to the public, the availability of tickets could be transparent for all to see. And any secondary market sellers would not have to be locked into a specific website.
All of this is possible."
This means, nostr can fix scalping. The tickets can go to the fans willing to pay sats to the artist before being released to the rent-seeking ticket scalpers. No exclusive credit card benifits that let people with good social credit scores buy tickets first. It gives power to see concerts to the true fans instead of the people with VIP credit scores that cane game the system. In other words, it removes the Cantillon effect ticket scalpers enjoy, but I digress.
Nunya Bidnes set up zap splits on his podcast 2.0. Podcasting 2.0 apps like allow you to send stream or boost sats to your favorite content creator. Nunya Bidness is on the cutting edge of this technology. He set up his podcast to automatically forward boosts sent during the music plying portion of the show to the artist. Thus, when I sent a thousand sats to is podcast, forwarded those thousand sats to [Ainsley Costello](Ainsley Costello). This is what we can do with programmable money. It doesn't need to stop there. In the future, we can use this technology to:
Pay bills
Use Smart Home technology without surveillance.
Make charitable donations
The future is bright orange.
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