Crypto Means Cryptography

Crypto Means Cryptography

Crypto Means Cryptography

My nym should probably be blogging crypto, but it sounds like such a dirty word in the aftermath of ICO's like dentacoin,
Non-scarce JPEG's marketed as NFT's, and Elon Musk pumping DogeShitCoin. The e is silent.

Remember the decentralized storage coins? Oh yeah, and who can forget about the decentralized exchange tokens like Komode or something like that? Who cares? Today, we have decentralized exchanges like RoboSats, Bisq, and Peach. We could probably encrypt our stuff and put it on Keet for decentralized storage.

Before nostr, Dan Larimer tried to create a social media using a shitcoin. It didn't work, so what did he do? He created another casino coin to create another decentralized social media.

Oh yeah and I really lost some sats on nano. It made payments fast and cheap...You know.. Like the lightning network does today.

Why do I know these things? Because 270,000 blocks ago I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I was an idiot gambling my sats away on DumbAss coin and Dumber Coin because I thought "crypto" would change the world. Back then, I didn't understand cryptography was actually a form of mathematics like trigonometry.

hot wheels

Bitcoin changed the world, but cryptocurrencies do not change anything. Bitcoin is the invention of the wheel. All the other casino coins are like Hot Wheels. Sure, some people collect them I would buy one that looked like the Bitcoin Formula One car myself, but alternative coins use cryptography like Hot Wheels use the wheel. Nobody with all their marbles thinks Hot Wheels are more valuable than the invention of the wheel!

Ethereum, the biggest number 2 of them all, is a convoluted central bank that uses cryptography. The monetary policy of this crypto central bank is to just allow anyone with a keyboard and an asshole to create new money whenever the hell they feel like it, create a pre-mine, and dump it onto unsuspecting suckers. Except they also can create non fungible tokens for non scarce JPEGS. I'm no fan of the Fed, but Eth delirium's monetary supply is what would happen if every member of the Federal Reserve was selected from an insane asylum.

Cryptograophy Can Change The World

change the word

Even though I no longer trade casino coins, I still think public key cryptography is a useful tool that can change the world. I just happen to think that money created out of an absolutely scarce decentralized ledger using real world energy(proof-of-work) is already solved and can only be solved once. That being said, I find cryptographic tools like PGP and Nostr useful. Public Key cryptography is fun. We should take the word crypto back from the scammers. We will not argue with them on Twitter. We will use crypto like a slap in the face of shitcoiners. Nostr is a gob-of-spit in the face of Web3 and there is no token to buy but it has created bitcoin businesses on the Internet. How amazing is that?

We don't need your ICO's.

We don't need your NFT's

We don't need your tokens.

We don't need your blockchain technology

We don't need banana coins.

We don't need your Web 3.

We don't need the next coin that takes a picture of your iris,

We don't need your affinity scam coin.

We don't need butt plug coins or whatever your next new bullshit narrative is for your next rug pull.

We Need Freedom On The Internet.

I believe public key cryptography is our best chance of obtaining that freedom.

In 1776, some liberty loving young people started a revolution in the United States. Their goal was to obtain freedom for themselves and for their Posterity. Their Posterity lost those freedoms.

We will use cryptography to get that freedom back.

Crypto means cryptography.

We already fixed the money. Now we fix the world.

Blogging Bitcoin


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