Rough Draft For Markdown on

Rough Draft For Markdown on


A web client to read/write long form nostr content.

Available in

If You have never heard of nostr before, start here.

BTCSessions has a couple tutorials that will teach you how to create your own key. The following video is a tutorial for Alby. You can also set up a custodial wallet on the Alby extention as well, if you want to recieve zaps*:

If You Already Have A Key Set Up On Alby, Start Here:

#TODO: Write A Why write a blog on nostr pitch.

  1. Sign into using your Alby extention.
  2. Click the write icon. writeIcon
  3. Edit the text below using the Mardkdown Editor. You may also embed videos from Youtube or Peertube.
  4. Click sensitive content warning if you have any nudity or other simmilar photos included in your content.
  5. Click on all the relays you want to broadcast your blogpost. Some may require a payment.
  6. Click Pubish.

Watch The Video Tutorial.

Nostr Public Chat:


  • Zaps are bitcoin payments sent over the lightning network.