How To Make AI Genorated Art With No Credit Card Or Email

How To Make AI Genorated Art With No Credit Card Or Email

How To Make AI Generated Art With No Credit Card Or Email

I created the images for my last blogpost using Pleb AI. I have paid for various things using bitcoin like hats, hardware wallets, Virtual machines, and gift cards before, but this feels a little different. This actually solves a problem. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to pay for a new laptop using bitcoin on but I could have just as easily used a credit card. Although I could create images using Midjourney or use ChatGPT to run similar closed-source software built by people developing world coin and other technology scarier than anything written by George Orwell, **this service will save me some sats. But wait...There's more:

  • No credit card

  • No monthly fee

  • No ads. By the way, ads suck.

  • It is Free and Open Source Artificial Intelligence.

Want to generate an image? There are 13 different options:


Tired of spending all your sats on Only fans, try talking to GF Phone Talk. It's like those 1-900-SEX-LINES from the 90's, only instead of talking to a real woman who wasn't pretty enough top get naked for dollars, you read sexy talk generated by AI. What is AI generated sexy talk, you ask? I don't know, but let's find out. I used the suggested prompt:

"I am missing you babe. Can we talk on the phone for a while to give each other company?"

Here is what it came up with:


On second thought, you should try to meet a real woman.

Stay Fit

Here's a conversation I had with Zara The FitMinder. I asked:

"I need to prep lunches for the week that follows the paleo diet. What should I make?"

As my teenage son would say, Quinoa seems a little "sus," but that took like 5 seconds. I've been going down this health and fitness rabbit hole lately and meal planning takes some time. This may not be perfect, but it's a great start. I Whoogled:

Whoogle gave me this result:

I love to read books, listen to audio books, and I am an avid Bitcoin Audible Fan, but I hate reading about recipes. I don't want to know you grew up in Wisconsin. I have nothing against Wisconsin. I just want lunch.


I just want lunch. Luckily, I use Mealie on my Umbrel. Mealie scrapes the important stuff like the actual cooking part and formats them nicely. So I type in the URL here and click create:

No more Wisconsin and **I can create my meal plan for the week in about ten minutes. **Now I just need some AI software that can cook and prep my meals. That's not possible yet. I still need to cook my meals. Most people are afraid something like this can take away the nutritionist jobs, but that's short sided. Maybe the registered nutritionist uses tools like this to create meal plans for her clients within minutes instead. Maybe meal prep now comes with the plan, adding more value to the customer. I don't know, but it is is interesting to think of all the possibilities AI can unleash. I

More importantly, it only takes a few hundred sats to free up some of your time. I think that's worth it since time is the only thing more scarce than bitcoin. Time is money as they say. Besides, if you use it 100 times per month, it will only cost you about $3.00 That's 17 bucks less than a ChatGPT subscription would cost you. Don't need it next mont? It doesn't cost anything.

AI For Everybody

Alex Gladstien calls bitcoin the people's money. I love this description. Although bitcoin does not have a central bank, it does have a die hard group of nerds and geeks willing to fight for it. Bitcoin is run by these people running full nodes, mining out of home made heaters, making pull requests and onboarding people onto nostr. Bitcoin is the peoples money because it is run by the people. ** We The People who run bitcoin **want a more fair and just world. If you watch the news, and I wouldn't recommend this, you'll see and hear all about the doom and gloom bitcoin and AI will bring. One, or perhaps both will boil the oceans and AI will kill all the jobs and say I'll be back."

AI can be for everybody when it is paid for using the People's Money. The people's money has no charge backs.

That means you can pay for what you need without giving some centralized trusted third party access to your credit cards. PlebAI doesn't ask for an email. This means you can try the service without a subscription. You don't need a bachelor's degree in Information Technology to set up the free and open source software yourself. Better yet, you don't even need a subscription. As long as you have a smartphone and a few pennies, worth of sats you can create powerful images like this:


While everyone else is shaking in their boots because of thier AI induced job loss jitters, you can learn to use AI to free up your time to do something more productive.

PlebAI means this technology is available to anyone with a smart phone and a few dollars worth of bitcoin. I think this is very valuable, but most people have not seen it in action yet. So I decided to create a video about it on Rumble. Please share this blogpost and the Rumble Video with people who may not be into bitcoin. I started this blog because I wanted to show the world that bitcoin is not just some investment, but a tool. We can use this tool to make the world a better place. That may sound like a rasberry-pi in the sky idea, but AI will be here whether you like it or not. How many hours of your time can a few dollars worth of bitcoin free up for you? If time is money, more time is good. What will you do with this time? Do you want to write a blog, create a business, or just watch the doom and gloom on the boob tube? My hope is that the world wll free uptheir time to solve some of their time to make the world a better place.

How To Use Pleb AI

I made a video that teaches you how to use PlebAi yourself. In the following video I make the above photo using the Gen Image AI app.

The images are posted on nostr



Video Tutorial

I created a simple tutorial that teaches you how to create interesting images limited only by your imagination in just a few minutes. Check it out.

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