Leaving Youtube

Leaving Youtube

Leaving YouTube


Leaving YouTube

I had some misgivings about starting a YouTube channel. I've been working on becoming self sovereign. I only started a YouTube because that's where everybody goes to see videos. I tried making a few PeerTube videos before, but got discouraged because only like 2 or 3 people watched them. Maybe those videos suck, but at least I didn't need to give anyone my phone-dentity or non-Google email address.

I also want to make videos using the Value 4 Value Model. That model is not just about sats. It's also about time. The people who translate Gigi's articles are the unsung heros of bitcoin content creators. Think about how important it is to have articles translated into several languages to help facilitate the adoption of a GLOBAL FINANCIAL NETWORK. It is also important to spread the message of what bitcoin is to people too. Why not just ask people to contribute a few miliseconds of their time to share it on Nostr and social credit media.(ht/ gsovereignty).

We can't just rely on The Great Firewall of Google Algorithms to advocate for freedom money. I don't want to verify my identity again just because I use a VPN. Privacy is not a crime. As an American I was once protected by the fourth amendment. that is no longer the case. I must protect my privacy myself. I don't have perfect privacy yet, but it's a goal I am working towards.

PeerTube is one step closer to that goal. I don't want to rely on YouTube. YouTube can shut down my message if I say the wrong thing or break the speech laws of some nation-state I don't pay taxes to.

So I'm migrating my videos to PeerTube.

Let me know if you are interested in me making videos about setting up Peertube.

What other videos would you like to see?




Value 4 Value