Burn After Reading, Use TOR, Run Your Own Server

Burn After Reading, Use TOR, Run Your Own Server

Run your own server. I started this blog with the idea of selling some type of merchandise, but I have been apprehensive. The Rabbit Hole Recapers once sold BTCpayServer hats with "Stay humble, stack sats" embroidered on the back. They stopped selling them after the Ledger hack because they didn't feel comfortable securing customers' addresses.

This is a giant honey pot. A physical address is an attack vector when your attacker knows you hold your own money. What if you could send Marty Jones your address for his eyes only, like James fuckin' Bond?

Super Secret Messages Now you can use Cups Messenger, which is available on Start9. Now, when you fill out the form on BTCpayServer, you can enter all your information as an onion address. So if anyone ever hacks my addresses, they will see this. When I enter the onion address into my TOR browser, I see this:

John Smith, 1234 Main St., Rugby, ND 58368

Once I burn it, the address is gone forever. Obviously, I can copy and paste it, and I'll need to write it down to know where to ship the sticker, but I don't need to keep a copy of the customer address in a database.

This is cypherpunk AF, for your eyes only. I realize not everyone will run this, but at least I know it's an option. Now I feel more comfortable creating a store.

Nostr Nip 04

'm not a fan of a permanent record of my messages on nostr. Cups. Messenger fixes this. The only issue is that many people find TOR scary, but it doesn't need to be. It's just a different browser. It's time to make TOR ubiquitous. If they need it, they will come. The reality is that I won't be able to convince people to use TOR. They won't use it until they need it.

Most people would rather be kept under the thumb of a big corporation like Apple. Apple wants to unpublish Damus from the App Store because they don't get a cut of the zaps. Apple apparently siphons 30% of the sales from the App Store. That's one hell of a tax for a corporation to levy on its population.


What if you installed TOR on your Apple phone? What if you ran Iris on your own computer? What if you ran your own relay? It's easier than ever to be free, but most people don't know it. Perhaps many don't want to be free.

One thing is certain: There are people in this world who do not want you to be free. Those who want to lock us down and force us to take vaccines to work If you run your own server, you get some of this freedom back. It's a small step for man but a big leap for mankind.

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